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English Ch - 1 Class 12th (The Third Level Important Questions)

Ch - 1 Class 12th (The Third Level Important Questions)

Short Answer Type Questions (3-4 Marks)

Ques.1: What does the third level refer to? 

Ans- The third level refers to an imaginary world. It is a medium to escape from the harsh realities of life. It stands for peace that comes from a simple life. The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war and worry. Human beings are heading for a nervous breakdown. Hence the lever is a walking dream fulfilment. 

Ques. 2: Do you that the third level was a Medium of escape for Charley ? Why ?

Ans- There was no third level. It was an imaginary world. Charley was 31 years old escapist who wanted modern world. Yes, the third level was a medium of escape for Charley. It was a temporary escape from reality, a walking dream.

Ques.3: What did Charley see on the third level? 

Ans- Charley saw that on the third level the room was smaller, and there were fewer ticket windows and train gates. The lights were dim and flickering  as they came from open flame gas lights. There was an old locomotive on the track People were wearing old fashioned clothes. 

Ques.4. What was Charley's vision about Gales-burg town? 

Ans- Charley thought that Gales-burg was still a wonderful town. In 1894 people would sit out on the lawns, men smoking cigars and talking quietly, the women waving palm-leaf fans. Summer evenings were very long. It as a peaceful world.

Ques.5.How does Charley describe Gales-burg as it used to be in 1894?

Ans-Charley describes Gales-burg as a quiet, simple and peaceful place with big old frame houses, huge lawns and tremendous trees. The summer evenings were rather long and people sat out on their lawns in a peaceful world, men smoking cigars and women waving palm-leaf fans.

Ques.6. "That ain't money, mister" When did the ticket clerk utter these words and why ?

Ans- Charley wanted to buy two tickets for his wife Louisa and himself to go to Gales-burg of 1894 from the third level of the Grand Central. When he presented the modern currency notes, the ticket clerk said that was no money. He was not familiar with modern currency as he belonged to the last century. 

Ques.7. Why was Charley taken to a psychiatrist ? 

Ans- Charley insisted that he had been op the third level of the Grand Central Station. Even his friends did not agree with him. His wife thought that he was perhaps having some mental problem. Even the stationmaster said that there were only two levels at the station.

Ques.8 What is a first-day cover? 

Ans. When a new stamp is issued, stamp collectors buy some and use them to mail envelope to themselves on the very first day of sale. The postmark on such an envelope proves the date. The envelope having on a blank paper is called the first-day cover. It is never opened.

 Ques.9. What had Sam written in his letter to Charley?

 Ans. In this letter, Sam wrote that he had found the third level and that was he had been in Gales-burg of 1894 for two weeks. He had word of praise for the peaceful life of the town. He called upon Charley and his wife to keep looking for the third level and come to him.

Ques.10.Why did the booking clerk refuse to accept the money? 

Ans. The booking clerk refuses to accept the money because the notes Charley had given him were of old style. He did not pay in the currency notes that were in circulation in 1894. So the clerk stared at him and told him, “That ain’t money, Mister”. He thought Charley was trying to cheat him and even threatened to get him arrested.

  Long Answer Type Questions (5-6 marks)

Q 1. What impression do you form of Charley from your reading the story ? 

Ans - Charley is the main character in the story "The Third Level" written by 'Jack Finney'. Charley was thirty-one years old day dreamer and escapist and modern man. One night the previous summer Charley left his house a little late He was in a great hurry to reach his house. He lived in the suburbs of New York. He went to the second level at great Central Station to catch train and reach home to his wife Louisa. He decided to steps of the first level and then to the second level and he got lost. Once he got into a tunnel about a mile long and came out in the lobby of Roosevell Hotel,. He came out on the third level and noticed strange changes. The rooms were smaller, the ticket windows were fewer. The man in the information booth wore a long black sleeve coat. There were open flame gas lights. Everybody was dressed like late nineties people. He wanted to buy two tickets to Gales-burg but his new currency was rejected. He decided to get old styled-bills and come to next day. But he could never reach the third level Charley declared himself to be an ordinary guy. But his actions in "The third level" present him a sensitive and adventurous fellow. What he said about the third level of the Grand Central Station was a figment of the imagination. He wanted to forget the harsh realities of the present world. His hobby of stamp collecting also showed that he was a escapist.

Q.2 What does the third level refer to? Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? 


How did the Charley reach the third level of Grand Central? How was it different from the other levels? 


What does Charley experience at the third level? Do you think what he has seen there, is possible? Why/ Why not?

Ans. The third level refers to a level on the Grand Central Station which did not exist in reality. It was a medium of escape from the present into the vast. I was an imaginary world, a medium of escape from the realities of life. One night Charley got late in his office. He decided to take the subway from Grand Central Station to his house. He went down the steps to the first level where one took trains like the 20th century. Then he walked another flight to the second level and moved into an arched doorway. He get lost but kept walking in the corridor. He turned left and came out on the third level. If was totally different because here the room was smaller, there were fewer tickets windows and information booth was wooden and old looking. The man in the booth wore a green eye shade and long black sieve coat. Lights were dim and there was a brass spittoon on the floor. A man was pulling a gold watch from his vest pocket. Everyone in the station was dressed like 1890. In the 1890's Gales-burg was a wonderful town with big old frame houses, big lawns and long trees. The branches of these trees met overhead and roofed the streets. People sat out on their lawns. The men would smoke cigars and talk quietly. The women would wave palm-leaf fans. The world was unaware of world war Charley wished to go there. In order to be a part of that peaceful life, he went back in time and imagined that he was on the third level. Thus Charley's attempt to find the third level indicates that the third level was medium of escape.

Q.3 'The modern world is full of insecurity , fear , war , worry and stress.' What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?

Ans. Insecurity, fear, war, worry stress etc. threaten the very existence of mankind. The harsh realities of life are unbearable for mortal human beings. Hence we find different ways in which we attempt to overcome them. There are only.two ways to overcome a in-security, fear, war , worry and stress widespread in the modem world. One is that we should be realistic and pragmatic. We must accept the Bitter truth. We must try to face the circumstances as best as we can. If the forces are so powerful that our efforts are likely to fail, we must be elastic pragmatic. Instead of striking our head against a rock to break it, we must accept the existence. We should adapt ourselves and our action accordingly. Some of us, like the narrator Charley in the story 'The Third Level' indulge in fantasies in order to overcome the stress and strain of our world. Some people build utopias in which they find consolation. Then there are people who take to intoxicants to escape from the realities of life. The second alternative is that of escape from reality. Dreamer visionaries and sensitive people are likely to be lost in waking dreams. Its peaceful life full of songs, dance seem quite exciting. They keep themselves busy in social services.

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